At another’s destiny reserve ways

video Denis Brannitsky
poetry Andrey Podionov

At another’s destiny reserve ways
Among five-floor blocks since sixties
An old boiler-house stays
And looks by its chimney fragment
At nine-floor ones since seventies

There is rail-road bed remained by it side
Twenty meters of rails and wooden cross ties
I would like to get drunk over here long time ago
But you know there was no chance for me

Next to that place a garage stays for about thirty years
Totally rusty and above it rusty dovecot
That place I’d like to stick out like a stranger
As any fucking guy from eighties

Sixteen-floor blocks of eighties are visible from here
And twenty four-floors ones of bloody freaks nineties
At that place I’d like to take drugs those are bed for brain
But even with that it doesn’t go well

I wish to cry looking at that place
There is stinky waste inside of former boiler-house
At this place I think I couldn’t never just smoke
As well as a question if I could get a pee over here

Further there behind valley where a river brights under sun
And unfinished brand new buildings of tens stick around
I walk along old boiler-house partly killed
I’m slightly killed, remained a bit alive

festival of videopoetry «fifth leg» 2009

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